Corporate investment banking has opened up in India in the recent past and with good reason. The benefits of this particular kind of banking are far reaching. This has been realized and therefore today, the need for it in India has grown even more.
Our C&A team will assist you in raising funds to achieve a variety of objectives, such as to development of innovative ideas,to acquire another company, reduce its debt load, expand existing operations, or for specific project financing. Our team will work with you closely to structure the transaction to meet specific objectives while being attractive to the investors.
Venture Capital
Why VC? Venture Capital has developed out of the need to provide, risky and unconventional capital for new ventures which are based on dynamic entrepreneurship. Venture investment can be in the form of quasi equity or equity and in some cases, even straight or conditional debt, which is made to a venture backed by a professionally and technically qualified entrepreneur.
Our C&A team will work at understanding your business life and the industry it is involved in and they will help you to firm up statistics and market potential of your business. Our team will closely work with you to prepare or revise or re-write the business plan and also provide a road map to find the successful financing path for your new business.
Private Equity
Why PE? The private equity placement in India has acquired a new dimension as this is the easiest way to raise the business finance in the short term.Thus India has gone ahead of many other countries and emerged as the top market for private equity placement.
Our experienced PE team of professionals will assist :
- Fund seeker: from the point of preparation of business forecast and the stage of data room preparation to the success full closure of the deal. Our team will help you in all stages of the deal and at every stage it will presentvaluable deliverables. Moreover our team will work in each stage of PE deal with out deviating from the organization vision and values.
- Fund Investor: from providing insight of the industry to validating the data room and transaction services like deal generation, due diligence, tax restructuring and advisory. Our team will help you in strengthening your portfolio to enhance the return flow and reducing the risk factor.
Merges & Acquisition
Why M&A? Through M&A an organization can generate cost efficiency through economies of scale, can enhance the revenue through gain in the market share and can generate tax gains and the main principle benefit is greater value generation in short term.
Our C&A team will provide you with advisory services designed to assist in evaluation of potential merger and acquisition candidates or opportunities. Team will help you to identify and contact potential merger candidates and then prepare a descriptive memorandum of the business for use in discussions with prospective companies. Team will assist you with the due diligence process, the negotiating and structuring of the transaction, and the development of corporate strategies for growth and investment.